

Working Together is Essential

meeting with people sitting in a tableOur communities are only as strong as our people. When we support well-being, we make sure that everyone can reach their potential and fully contribute to our communities. We collaborate with our provider network, the people we serve, and local agencies to use our experiences to improve services and strengthen community connections.

Trillium manages committees to help direct some of the work we do. They help make sure member and recipient rights are protected, review potential new services, and provide feedback that can be shared with NC Medicaid and Trillium. 

Clinical Advisory Committee (CAC) 

The Clinical Advisory Committee (CAC) has participants from our provider network, members, and family members, and Trillium staff. Meetings are held every other month and give participants the chance to discuss the treatment practices used by network providers. CAC represents the interests and challenges of people receiving services by identifying standards, key indicators, initiatives, and requirements.

Meeting schedule 2025

  • To be Determine
CAC Meeting Minutes 2024CAC Meeting Minutes 2023

Innovations Waiver Stakeholder Group

The NC Innovations Waiver Stakeholder committee is a group of members, family members, guardians, and providers that meet every three months on the third Tuesday of the month at 4 p.m. The purpose of this group is to educate and share information as well as get feedback and details from members about their experience on the Innovations Waiver. 

If you are interested please contact Danna Saunders at

Global Quality Improvement Committee (GQIC)

The Trillium Global Quality Improvement Committee (GQIC) serves as a fair, impartial committee representing the provider network. The GQIC discusses and explores ideas related to Quality Improvement issues among the provider network in order to maintain and achieve best practices to enable providers to help members reach their goals.  Below is a list of GQIC members. If you are interested in joining GQIC, please contact

Blinded Peer Reviews - Trillium’s Global Quality Improvement Committee offers providers the chance to request a review of their quality related activities or projects through a blinded peer review.  As part of the review process, the committee will provide feedback regarding the projects. For any providers wishing to participate in the blinded peer review, please contact the QM Department at

Human Rights Committee (HRC)

The Trillium Human Rights Committee (HRC) protects member and recipient rights for people receiving mental health, substance use, and intellectual/developmental disability (I/DD) services. The Trillium HRC works cooperatively with members, their family members, and Trillium staff to ensure the nature and quality of services are always respectful of the member’s rights. 

The committee makes sure Trillium and providers are protecting members’ and recipients’ rights, following confidentiality laws, and have processes for tracking grievances. They also review concerns about restrictive treatment and ensures that everyone can get the services they need.  

The HRC is made up of volunteers from mental health, substance use and I/DD providers, professionals, and members. Trillium staff help the committee but do not vote. Participants who serve on the HRC must follow rules as written in State laws and rules and the HRC Bylaws. Participants must follow member privacy and HIPAA laws and attend all meetings. 

Would YOU like to serve on the HRC?

To be eligible to serve, members must:

  • be an adult member, relative or guardian of a member, human service professional, or network provider
  • live in one of the counties in our region

Fill out a Human Rights Committee Application Form to be considered for membership,  or if you have any questions contact the Member Incident Director at or 1-866-998-2597.

Long-Term Services and Supports Member Advisory Committee

Trillium’s Long-Term Services and Supports Member Advisory Committee (LTSS MAC) provides stakeholder input and advice regarding the LTSS covered services including care provided in the home, in community-based settings, or in facilities such as nursing homes. The Committee’s membership will consist of the following:

  • Member’s accessing LTSS services
  • Representatives of members ( e.g. authorized representatives)
  • LTSS providers
  • Care Managers from Advanced Medical Homes ( AMH) and Certified Care Management agencies ( CMAS)
  • Trillium’s staff involved in authorization of LTSS services and/or Trillium’s Plan Based Care Managers.

The LTSS Advisory Committee will meet quarterly to;

  1. Solicit input and advice of the committee members
  2. Review member experiences and quality of care concerns related to LTSS services
  3. Review data /reports such as incident reports/surveys
  4. Identify system barriers related to LTSS

If you are interested in applying to be a member of the Trillium Long Term Services and Support Advisory Committee please complete the quick online application below.

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