Contact Us


How Can We Help You?

For a true medical emergency, call 911.

For Members and Recipients:

Member and Recipient Service Line

 1-877-685-2415 (Toll-Free)

Monday – Saturday, 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Please call to speak with your care manager, for getting services, asking questions, or finding a provider. We also encourage you to call this line to submit complaints and request printed materials.

You can visit the Member and Recipient Portal to complete forms to ask for a new primary care provider, submit an appeal, and more.

You can also send an email to with basic questions or comments. Please note, if your question is about specific services or benefits you may be eligible for, please call the Member and Recipient Service Line instead so we can confirm your identity before sharing personal information.

Behavioral Health Crisis Line

 1-888-302-0738 (Toll-Free)
Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week

Please call if you are experiencing a behavioral health crisis. A crisis may mean that you are thinking of hurting yourself or others, seeing things that others are not, or feel you are at risk for withdrawals from alcohol or other drugs.

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT)

(Tailored Plan Medicaid Members)

NEMT provides transportation to scheduled medical appointments.

You must call two days in advance to schedule a ride and no more than 30 days before your appointment. 

You can view more information on this service in the brochure. 

Pharmacy Benefits

1-866-245-4954  (toll-free)
(Tailored Plan Medicaid Members) 

Monday – Saturday, 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Please use this line if you have questions about a medication.

Nurse Line

1-877-685-2415 (toll free)
(Tailored Plan Medicaid Members)

Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week
Please use this line for medical information and questions.

Have a complaint or a grievance?

Tell us about it!  Complaints and grievances are when you are not happy with the service you have received. We want to know when things are not going well and when they are.  We take all complaints seriously and use them to improve our system and customer service.

To send in a complaint or grievance, click on Complaint | Grievance.

You can also call Member and Recipient Services at 1-877-685-2415 to share your complaint with our Member and Recipient Services Team.

Non-English Speakers

Auxiliary Aids and Interpreter Services

Large print materials can be requested by calling 1-877-685-2415.

Telecommunications Relay Service

If you are deaf or hard of hearing and have a TTY device, please follow these steps to contact the toll-free Trillium Access to Care Number:

  1. Dial 711 or 1-800-735-2962
  2. When the message "RC NBR Calling PLS GA" appears on the TTY display screen, type 1-877-685-2415 to reach the toll-free Member and Recipient Services.
  3. A Relay Communications Assistant will answer, place your call and assist you throughout the call. 

Trillium works with agencies that specifically serve people who are deaf or hard of hearing. For more information about these agencies, contact us at the Member and Recipient Services at 1-877-685-2415.

Other vendors can call Administrative & Business Matters at 1-866-998-2597 (Toll-Free) for general questions and business matters.

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