Crisis Intervention Team (CIT)
What is Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Training?

Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training educates law enforcement officers about the signs of individuals with mental illness, substance use disorders, or intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD). Many people need treatment instead of going to jail.
While Trillium offers the training, it is very much a community event. The training involves the local NAMI chapter, community colleges, provider agencies, hospitals, behavioral health professionals and, of course, law enforcement officials.
CIT provides information on the following topics:
- CIT Overview
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Mental Health Overview
- PTSD/Trauma
- Suicide Awareness & Prevention
- Brain Theory and Medication Management
- Accessing Services
- Mobile Crisis
- Involuntary Commitment Process
- Community Resources
- Special Concerns with Adolescents
- Substance Abuse/Co-Occurring Disorders
- Personality Disorders
- Homelessness
- Geriatrics and Dementia
- Crisis Intervention and De-Escalation
- Hearing Voices
- Mental Health Reform
- Officer Safety
- Community Resources
Why is CIT important to citizens?

Law enforcement and health officials say about 20 percent of police calls involve people having a mental health crisis. Trillium staff has helped train hundreds of law enforcement staff throughout our area, including police officers, county deputies, school resource officers, university campus police, detention center officers and telecommunications staff. Citizens who call police to respond to someone in crisis can specifically ask for a CIT-trained police officer.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss a training, read our CIT Brochure or call 1-866-998-2597 and ask for a CIT coordinator or email