Provider guidance for reimbursement, enrollment and providing care for Medicaid beneficiaries.
Hurricane Season Readiness for Providers
When we “Plan, Prepare, and Practice,” we can lessen the impacts of natural disasters and emergencies.
This Roadmap2Ready webpage includes links for readiness tips and resources. Remember that no plan can be effective if it's not practiced and properly executed. To receive monthly preparedness and planning information sign up for our Network Communication Bulletins. Look at past bulletins for topics that have been covered here.
If you experience any impacts from a disaster, please alert Trillium using this link. This link is only active when the emergency response protocol is enacted.
Plan by establishing planning objectives such as knowing the risk, how to maintain safety, and promotion of personal and family disaster planning by staff members. Learn more about how providers can plan for disasters by visiting the SAMHSA website. Additionally, review the planning resources on the ASPR TRACIE website for disaster preparation tips for Medicare and Medicaid Participating Providers and Suppliers.
Prepare and Mitigate by knowing any hazards impact could have on your systems and infrastructure (computers, copiers, fax machines), staffing, members, and suppliers. What resources can help minimize damage, disruptions, and injuries? Learn more about how to identify and plan for these impacts on your organizations and the resources which can minimize these impacts on the Toolkit.
Practice by training your staff on your emergency plan and refer to Get Ready - Training & Testing for additional guidance. To learn about practicing your emergency plan while using a tabletop exercise refer to this Exercise Toolkit or the exercise program with HHS. Remember to utilize reliable sources while planning, preparing, and practicing your emergency plan.